
package-10-lessons - ảnh nhỏ  1


$ 73.00

Price: 68$ Time: 60 minute/1 lesson x 10 Face to face video lesson Practice listening and speaking skills as much as possible Improve pronunciation, make sentences naturally like native speaker Discover Vietnamese culture, Vietnamese cuisine, Vietnamese tourism... Learn with textbooks, pdf files, pictures, quiz, game.... 80-95% time of lesson in Vietnamese Flexible time Final exam and assessment form Save 2$

Price: 68$

Time: 60 minute/1 lesson x 10

Face to face video lesson

Practice listening and speaking skills as much as possible

Improve pronunciation, make sentences naturally like native speaker

Discover Vietnamese culture, Vietnamese cuisine, Vietnamese tourism...

Learn with textbooks, pdf files, pictures, quiz, game....

80-95% time of lesson in Vietnamese

Flexible time

Final exam and assessment form

Save 2$


Đánh giá 6 lượt đánh giá

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Website for learning Vietnamese online face to face video with native Southern speaker in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Don't hesitate if you want to book online Vietnamese lesson and contact with us. You're always welcome

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